Go Back First Time Collection at CryNZ Booking Form Form to be filled out if this is your first time booking your stallion for collection with us. 1 Owner/Agent Detail 2 Colt/Stallion Details 3 Experience/Handling 4 Services Required 5 Terms & Conditions Are you the Owner or Agent*OwnerAgentOwner Name* First Last Owner Phone*Owner Email* Agent Name* First Last Agent Phone*Agent Email* Billing Email* Stud Name Colt/StallionName*Known As*Breed*Colour*HeightStallion D.O.B* BrandsRegistryRegistration NumberMicrochip NumberInsuranceInsurance Company (If Insured)*Last Drench*Please ensure your horse is vaccinated for Tetanus and Strangles before coming to training or collectionHas he had any injuries or illness? Yes No If so give details Name of attending or usual Veterinarian* Experience/ HandlingHow much experience collecting on a phantom has this stallion had? Give details (ie Live covered mares, had problems collecting before)* Does he have any vices (Give details)* Anything else you would like to tell us about your Colt/ Stallion; (likes, dislikes, quirks, details)* Services required; (Check all that are required)* Phantom Collection Semen preparation for shipping fresh; Semen Freezing; Preferred booking date and time;* (While every attempt to accomodate your preference, we will confirm once request is received)If you are collecting semen you wish to be shipped to a mare owner please give details belowHow many mares for this collectionDo you wish the collection to be divided and the remaining semen frozen? Yes No If you answered YES to the previous question, please make sure to fill out the Freezing Form after this one. 1st Mare OwnerMare ownerMarePhoneAddress or airport semen is to be shipped toAttention to2nd Mare OwnerMare ownerMarePhoneAddress or airport semen is to be shipped toAttention toAny further comments or requests Terms & ConditionsI have read and agreed to the Disclaimer , Terms of Tradeand the Delivery Terms*Yes FOLLOW ALLANDER ACRES ALL NZ SPORT HORSES P. 027 241 4566E. info@allnzsporthorses.co.nz Follow Little Annie's ALL NZ SPORT HORSES P. 027 241 4566 | E. info@allnzsporthorses.co.nz FOLLOW ALLANDER ACRES Follow Little Annie's © 2018 – 2020 All NZ Sport Horses – Allander Acres | CryNZ | Little Annie’s Website By Glu Group